In order that MOVMNT IDC is a INTERNATIONAL event, the competition will be conducted in ENGLISH

Failure to comply with MOVMNT International Dance Competition Rules & Regulations, could lead OR result in disqualification from the competition. These rules differ from other traditional competition rules, so please read carefully.

This competition is open to ALL dance students / performers and emerging dance groups.

Students and dancers at age 4 and over are accepted.

BEG | Beginners – Dancer/s practicing up to 4 hrs. / per week.

ADV | Advanced – Dancer/s practicing over 4 hrs. / per week.

PRO | Professional – Dancer/s from private or governmental schools, theatres, companies and institutions. (+ Advanced level by choice)



!!! Dancer/s under age of 13 years are NOT permitted to wear pointe shoes at MIDC in any circumstances !!!




Solo: 1 dancer (Female / Male divided)

Every soloist can perform the maximum of two solos in each style. Ex.: 2*Ballet, 2*Contemporary and so on. Keep in mind that only the one, with the higher score will be considered for the TOP 6. Depending on the number of entries, if there are over 12, there will be a qualification round for the final TOP 6. If case is as such, the awarding will go as follows, ranking and places for TOP 6 and all the rest mention.

Duo / Pas De Deux: 2 dancers

Group: 3-9 dancers

Formation: 10-19 dancers

Production: 20+ dancers


BABY: 4-6

MINI: 7-9


JUNIOR: 13-15

ADULT: 16-18




  • Per person Per dance


  • Per person Per dance


  • Per person Per dance


  • Per person Per dance


  • Per person Per dance


  • Per person Per dance



World Move Ltd.

IBAN: BG51STSA93000030364246


Participation MOVMNT IDC 2025

Name of School / Participant


Уърлд Муув ЕООД

IBAN: BG89STSA93000030364241


Участие в MOVMNT IDC 2025

Име на Школа, Студио, Училище, Участник

IX MOVMNT International Dance Competition will be held in April 2025 (Dates to be announced)

The venue: Bulgaria, 7000 Rousse, Svoboda 4 Square, Dohodno Zdanie (Profitable Building)

In order to participate in the competition, all participants must fill out the online registration forms in our platform, within the registration period (13.01.2025 – 28.02.2025). That period includes uploading the correct music files. After closing the registration platform (28.02.2025), no entries will be possible or accepted and change of music will be possible no later than 7 days after registration deadline.


2:30 min. for Solo

3:00 min. for Duo

7:00 min. for Pas De Deux

3:30 min. for Group

4:00 min. for Formation

7:00 min. for Production

All music must be uploaded on your registration. If we do not have your music, you will be disqualified with no refund of entry/starting fees.

Any props used for the choreography must be easy to remove from the stage. Props, such as dust, ash, water or any other substances that can damage the stage or endanger participants are STRONGLY PROHIBITED.

There will be NO REHEARSELS (OPEN STAGE), on the stage prior the competition, as the event has grown too big, to accommodate everyone. However, if there is possibility to do so, we will give time for staging.

Size of the stage: 10 m.* 12 m. with only access from the backstage area.

We decline any responsibilities for damages to people or objects that can occur during the competition.

All fees are non-refundable for any reason. No exceptions. Credits can be issued for future events, based on individual situations. Studio directors must faciliate this communication. Our office will not speak with parents or guardians.

The organizers of the competition CAN cancel a section of the competition or the entire competition, if there are not enough participants pre-registered. Only in that case all fees will be refunded.

Judges decisions are final and cannot be objected.

During the competition, video recordings and photos have to be authorized by the organizers.

For more information you can contact the organizers at:

During the competition days, at the entrance hall, you will find CHECK-IN point, where is MANDATORY to go and do your check-in. That helps the organizers and staff to be sure that everyone has arrived and the competition will go smoothly. Only teacher or assigned representative CAN do the check-in for all the school and must be done not later than 1 (one) hour prior your first entry on stage.

At the check-in you will receive a MOVMNT branded welcome bag in which you will have Start List / Schedule printed, branded pen & folder, bracelets for all competitors, badges for School Director / Assistant / Choreographer.

After check-in, assigned person from our staff will guid you to your changing room.

BACKSTAGE area is allowed only for competitors (with bracelets) and individuals holding a valid badge of School Director / Assistant / Choreographer.

All types of FOOD, SNACKS, DRINKS & BEVERAGES are STRONGLY PROHIBITED in the backstage area, auditorium, stage and changing rooms, in order to preserve safety conditions for all dancers, their costumes and belongings, also for good preservation of the venue.

Not showing on time or missing entry on stage for no good reason will NOT be tolerated and will NOT be accepted and given second chance to perform. Responsibility for being on time is yours and yours alone.

Medical assistance will be present at all times during the competition days. Keep in mind to have medical insurance that is valid within Bulgarian borders.

Whistles, Vuvuzelas, cursing, shouting, strong language, inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour are STRONGLY PROHIBITED. It can lead to disqualifying from the competition.


Before making payment, an invoice will be issued with the total amount and send to registered email.

Please provide us with the company details and data if you need for company invoice.

Payments are due to 07.03.2025


MOVMNT International Dance Competition judges are a combination of internationally acclaimed teachers, company directors, choreographers and currently performing dance professionals. MOVMNT IDC judges are well trained in multiple genres of dance and are sensitive to the various skill levels represented by the dancers` differing ages. Performances will be judged based on the following criterion and point system:

Points from 1 to 10 will be noted to each criterion

Classical Ballet / Pas De Deux

Technique (fundamental knowledge / presentation of skill level) – 40%

Interpretation (appropriateness of the classical heritage) – 30%

Performance (fulfilment of movement and musicality) – 20%

Overall (costume / appeal / performance quality and stage presence) – 10%

All other dance styles

Technique (fundamental knowledge / presentation of skill level) – 40%

Composition (choreography / appropriateness / innovation and originality) – 30%

Performance (fulfilment of movement and musicality) – 20%

Overall (costume / appeal / performance quality and stage presence) – 10%

Rights of
International Dance Competition

  • Any participant competing in dance competitions, takes a certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to sprains, bruise, pulled muscles and broken bones. Participation in this competitions indicates the acceptance of such risks by the performers. Therefore, by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that performers will not hold MOVMNT International Dance Competition or its officers, directors, officials, staff or employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by them while in attendance and/or participating in any activity related to MOVMNT International Dance Competition.
  • By participating in MOVMNT International Dance Competition, the performer/s hereby grants permission for his/her performance video to be posted on and/or all MOVMNT International Dance Competition social media and communications channels. MOVMNT International Dance Competition is not responsible for any unauthorized third-party use of any Entry.
  • MOVMNT International Dance Competition reserves the right to alter the cash prizes if amount of entries per category fall below a minimum of entries per age group, category and style.
  • MOVMNT International Dance Competition shall retain the rights to tape, record and broadcast MOVMNT IDC events regarding performers during the period of the competition.
  • Competitors may not demand any compensation regarding the rights of MOVMNT IDC including taking of photos, interviewing, recording and taping.
  • All dancers must sign the liability release form, that will be send by e-mail after registration is competed
  • MOVMNT IDC reserves all the rights to cancel any competition if inadequate entries are received to run the event.
  • MOVMNT IDC will not issue refunds or be held responsible or liable for sudden cancellations or time lost due to extreme weather, bomb threats, terrorism, pandemics or any other extraneous circumstances.
  • MOVMNT IDC will not be held responsible or liable for any injuries, damages and lost or stolen property over the duration at the competition.
  • MOVMNT IDC will not be held responsible for any additional fees incurred (i.e., parking fees or tickets, entry fees etc.), by participants, teachers, studio owners, parents and any third-parties, while attending one or more of the events.
  • To be entered and participate at MOVMNT IDC, payment in full must be made. No post-dated payments, past the payment deadline will be possible or accepted. No dancer can perform unless studio balances are cleared.
  • Given our constrains in evaluating actual rehearsal time, MOVMNT IDC trusts the teachers to enter performances in the appropriate competitive level.
  • Routines that are obviously under-placed may or will be moved up a level at a discretion of the judges or MOVMNT IDC Directors.
  • All decisions are FINAL. MOVMNT IDC Rules & Regulations are enfored with the goal of creating a fair competitive environment for all participants. If circumstances arise throughout an event, which do not fall under the current rules, MOVMNT IDC Directors/Management reserves the right to proceed as they see fit to best uphold the integrity of the event.
